The asteroid belt is a region filled with asteroids of various sizes that lie between the planets Jupiter and Mars. Asteroid belt; How to form, interesting...
The Scorpius constellation is located somewhere near the center of the Milky Way galaxy and is one of the most well-known constellations among our ancestors due...
PleiadesProper noun: The “seven sisters”, companions of Artemis and daughters of the Titan Atlas and the sea-nymph Pleione. Proper noun: An open cluster of hot blue...
massiveAdjective: Very large in size or extent. Adjective: Very large or bulky and heavy and solid. Adjective: To a very great extent; total, utter. Adjective: Of...
The moon is the only natural moon of the Earth, which has been the target of research more than any other celestial body. The moon of...
strangeAdjective: Not normal; odd, unusual, surprising, out of the ordinary. Adjective: unfamiliar, not yet part of one’s experience. Adjective: Outside of one’s current relationship; unfamiliar. Adjective:...
Aurora Borealis is an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs due to the collision of energetic particles of the sun with the upper atmosphere of the earth. What...
The sun, the star that gives life to the Earth, is the largest body in the solar system and determines the fate of the objects that...
Neptune, the farthest planet from the Sun, is one of the two ice giants of the solar system, along with Uranus. The planet Neptune; Everything you...
Mercury is the smallest and fastest planet in the solar system. One of the reasons for the unique features of this planet is its close distance...
Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system in terms of distance from the sun and the first planet to be discovered with a telescope....
Pluto is a dwarf planet and the largest mass in the Kuiper belt, which was once known as the ninth planet in the solar system; But...