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Solar system; Formation, planets, wonders and everything you need to know



Solar system
The solar system is one of the billions of star systems of the Milky Way galaxy, which includes eight planets and a huge collection of comets and asteroids.

Solar system; Formation, planets, wonders and everything you need to know

The solar system is one of the billions of star systems in the Milky Way galaxy, which consists of the average central star of the Sun. The order of placement of the planets in this system from the nearest mass to the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and possibly the ninth planet.

The solar system starts from the sun continues to the Kuiper belt and finally reaches the boundary of the Heliopass. According to scientists, the edge of the solar system is approximately 15 billion kilometers away from the sun. On the other side of the Heliopass, there is a huge oval-shaped cloud called the Oort cloud, which surrounds our solar system.

Table of Contents

  • What is the solar system?
  • The origin of the solar system
  • Size and distance in the solar system
  • Sun
  • The planets of the solar system
  • What is a planet?
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • planet Earth
  • planet mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • The planet Neptune
  • asteroid belt
  • Kuiper belt
  • Pluto
  • The ninth planet
  • edge of the solar system
  • The largest planets in the solar system
  • Discoveries and travels of the solar system
  • Photos of the solar system
  • Conclusion

What is the solar system?

The solar system is a collection of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and gas and dust that revolve around the Sun star. This system consists of rocky planets including Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, gas giants including Jupiter and Saturn, and ice giants including Uranus and Neptune.

Between Mars and Jupiter, there is a set of asteroids known as the Asteroid Belt, and on the other side of Neptune, a set of small icy bodies known as the Kuiper Belt revolve around the Sun. Objects such as the dwarf planet Pluto are also considered part of the Kuiper belt.

Solar system

The origin of the solar system

About 4.6 billion years ago, a dark cloud of gas and dust underwent a gravitational collapse. This cloud compressed and turned into a rotating disk known as the solar nebula. The heat and pressure were eventually so great that the hydrogen atoms fused together to form helium. Nuclear interactions released large amounts of energy and the Sun was formed.

The Sun collected approximately 99% of the material in the solar nebula, and the rest of the material formed similar clumps inside the rotating disk. Some of these materials reached enough mass and gravity to form globular masses or planets, dwarf planets, and moons. The remaining fragments formed meteorites, comets, and other moons that make up the solar system.

Meteorites, or celestial rocks that fell to Earth, helped scientists estimate the age of the solar system. Some of these small fragments originated from moons or planets that can provide fascinating scientific information about the chemical properties and history of their parent matter. Some others were circulating in the solar system from the very beginning and before the formation of planets. The Allende meteorite, which fell to Earth in 1969, is the best-known meteorite with an age of 4.55 billion years.

According to scientists, the solar system was created during the explosion of a nearby star or the supernova process . According to this theory, the explosion caused shock waves to be sent into space and these waves compressed the solar nebula and finally led to its collapse. The supernova likely drove material into the nebula.

Solar system

The stages of the formation of the solar system

Size and distance in the solar system

The solar system is so big that it is almost impossible to imagine its size using units like kilometers. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is approximately 150 million kilometers, but the distance from the Sun to the farthest planet in the solar system, Neptune, is 4.5 billion kilometers. Now compare this distance with the average distance that a healthy person can walk non-stop in one day (32 km) or the distance to the International Space Station (400 km).

The best way to estimate the size of the solar system is to create a scale model that shows the distance of the planets from the sun. Astronomers use the distance between the Earth and the Sun (150 million kilometers) as a unit of measurement known as the astronomical unit. Therefore, 150 million kilometers is equal to one astronomical unit, or AU for short.

Thus, the distance between Mercury and the Sun (0.43 AU), Venus is 0.7 AU, Earth is 1 AU and Mars is 1.5 AU. Then we reach the asteroid belt, which is 2.8 AU away from the Sun. The gas giants Jupiter and Saturn are 5.2 and 9.5 AU from the Sun, respectively, and the ice giants Uranus and Neptune are 19.8 and 30 AU, respectively.

The Kuiper Belt is 50 AU away from the Sun and finally, the border of the Solar System or Heliopass is 123 AU away from the Sun.

Read More: The International Space Station


Solar system

An artist’s rendering of the Parker probe exploring the Sun

The sun is at the center of the solar system and constitutes approximately 99.8% of the mass of its system. The sun provides the necessary energy for life on Earth. This composite yellow dwarf star consists of 91% hydrogen and 8.9% helium. The Sun is relatively small compared to other stars and is one of hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

The planets of the solar system

The four inner planets of the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are classified as terrestrial planets or rocky worlds due to their rocky surface.

The four outer worlds of the solar system, namely Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are called Jupiter-like planets due to their larger size than the rocky planets. Most of these planets are made up of gases such as hydrogen and helium, although some planetologists believe that some of these planets have solid cores.

The planets Jupiter and Saturn are called gas giants, while Uranus and Neptune, the two outermost worlds of the solar system, are classified as ice giants because they are composed of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium, such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur, and have a thick mantle. They have methane, ammonia, and frozen water.

What is a planet?But before introducing the planets of the solar system, it is necessary to get acquainted with the definition of a planet. According to the standard definition, a planet is a mass of sufficient size that revolves around the Sun and itself. But it is not big enough to undergo nuclear fusion like a star. It has also cleared its vicinity of a large number of other objects.

The exact definition mentioned above shows what should be included in the category of planets and what should not be included in this group. However, the problem arose when astronomers discovered a large number of planet-like bodies in the solar system. For example, Pluto was one of the objects that could not meet all the above conditions and was classified as a dwarf planet.

Solar system

Most of the gaseous planets are composed of hydrogen and helium and probably have a solid core; While the core of rocky planets is often molten.

Pluto’s problem is its small size and strange orbit that cannot clear nearby objects. It also has a lot in common with the Kuiper belt. According to the IAU definition, this planet and other small globular worlds including Eris, Haumea and Makimaki, other Kuiper belt objects are classified as dwarf planets.

Ceres is another globular body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, which belongs to the group of dwarf planets. Ceres was classified as a planet when it was first discovered in 1801 but was later recognized as an asteroid. However, this definition was not enough because it was much larger and more spherical than asteroids. Therefore, astronomers classified this object as a dwarf planet in 2006.


Solar system

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun from the perspective of NASA’s Messenger probe.
  • Discovery: It was known to the ancient Greeks and can be seen in the sky with the naked eye.
  • Naming: Mercury, derived from the name of the messenger god in Roman mythology
  • Diameter: 4878 km
  • Year: 88 Earth days
  • Day: 58.6 Earth days
  • Number of moons: zero

Mercury is the closest world to the sun and the smallest planet in the solar system. This planet is only slightly larger than the Earth’s moon and completes its orbit around the sun in 88 days.

The temperature difference between the day and night of Mercury is significant. The temperature of Mercury during the day reaches 450 degrees Celsius, which is enough to melt lead. During the night, the temperature drops to minus 180 degrees Celsius. Mercury’s atmosphere is very thin and contains elements such as oxygen, sodium, hydrogen, helium, and potassium. Since this weak atmosphere cannot prevent meteorite collisions, Mercury’s surface is full of impact craters, just like Earth’s moon.

During its five-year mission, NASA’s MESSENGER probe made interesting findings about Mercury that defied astronomers’ expectations. One of these findings was the discovery of water ice and frozen biological compounds in the north pole of Mercury, as well as the significant role of volcanic activity in the formation of the planet’s surface.


Solar system


This image of Venus was captured in 2020 by NASA’s Mariner 10 probe.
  • Discovery: It was known to the ancient Greeks and can be seen with the naked eye.
  • Naming: Venus, derived from the name of the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology
  • Diameter: 12,104 km
  • Year: 225 Earth days
  • Day: 241 Earth days
  • Number of moons: zero

Venus is the second planet from the sun and the hottest planet in the solar system. The thick atmosphere of Venus is composed of compounds such as sulfuric acid clouds. Venus can be considered as one of the clear examples of the greenhouse effect.

The average surface temperature of Venus reaches 465 degrees Celsius and its surface pressure is 92 bar (9200 kilopascals), which can disintegrate a human being. Strangest of all, Venus rotates slowly and rotates against the direction of other planets, i.e. from east to west.

Venus is sometimes called Earth’s twin because the planet is close in size to Earth and, based on radar images, has numerous mountains and volcanoes. But in reality, Earth and Venus have many differences from each other.

Since Venus is the brightest object in the night sky after the moon, the Greeks thought that they were two different objects; Hesperus as a night star and Eospherus as a morning star. This very brightness is why Venus is sometimes mistaken for a UFO.

planet Earth

Solar system

One of the most accurate pictures of the Earth. This composite image is the result of images recorded by the Processing Infrared/Visible Image Radiometer (VIIRS) of the Suomi NPP satellite.
  • Name: Earth is derived from the German word “Die Erde” which means earth.
  • Diameter: 12,760 km
  • Year: 365.24 days
  • Day: 23 hours and 56 minutes
  • Number of moons: 1

Earth, our home, is the third planet from the Sun. Earth is a blue world with two-thirds of it covered by water. Earth’s atmosphere is rich in nitrogen and oxygen, making it the only life-friendly world we know.

The earth rotates at a speed of 467 meters per second. But this speed is slightly higher in the equator. The speed of the earth’s rotation around the sun reaches 29 km/s. Earth is also the largest rocky planet in the solar system and has one moon. According to scientists, an object hit the earth early in its formation and a piece of it was thrown into the sky and thus the moon was formed.

planet Mars

Solar system

A mosaic image of the Vals Marineris hemisphere of Mars. This image is the result of combining 102 Viking orbiter images.
  • Discovery: It was known to the ancient Greeks and can be seen with the naked eye.
  • Name: Mars, derived from the name of the god of war in Roman mythology
  • Diameter: 6787 km
  • Year: 687 Earth days
  • Day: 24 hours and 37 minutes
  • Number of moons: 2

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. This desert-like and cold planet is covered with iron oxide dust and therefore appears red. Mars has similarities with Earth. It is primarily rocky like Earth, has mountains and valleys, and has a storm system like Earth’s, ranging from small tornado-like ovens to dust storms that cover the entire planet.

Scientific evidence shows that Mars was a warmer and wetter world billions of years ago, and probably had rivers and maybe oceans flowing in it. Although the Martian atmosphere is too thin for surface liquid water to flow, wetter Martian remnants exist today. Martian ice sheets the size of the state of California are located under the surface of Mars, and on the other hand, both poles of Mars have water ice covers.

According to scientists, ancient Mars had the necessary conditions to support life such as bacteria and other microbes. They hope to find signs of this past life and possibly present life forms. This hypothesis became the basis for launching several missions to Mars; So that today the red planet is one of the most familiar and most explored objects in the solar system.


Solar system

An extraordinary image of Jupiter captured by the Hubble Space Telescope on August 25, 2020.
  • Discovery: It was known to the ancient Greeks and can be seen with the naked eye.
  • Naming: Jupiter, derived from the name of the god of gods in Roman mythology
  • Diameter: 139,822 km
  • Year: 11.9 Earth years
  • Day: 9.8 Earth hours
  • Number of moons: 95

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and the largest planet in the solar system. This gas giant has twice the mass of all other planets in the solar system.

Jupiter’s swirling clouds are colorful due to the combination of a variety of materials such as ammonia ice, ammonium hydrosulfide crystals, and water ice and vapor. One of Jupiter’s most famous features in its swirling clouds is the Great Red Spot, which is more than 16,000 kilometers in diameter and is so large that it can swallow almost three Earths.

Jupiter also has the strongest magnetic field and 95 moons, the most famous of which are Ganymede, Io, Callisto, and Europa, also known as the Galilean moons.


Solar system

The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of Saturn during the Northern Hemisphere summer on July 4, 2020.

  • Discovery: It was known to the ancient Greeks and can be seen in the night sky with the naked eye.
  • Naming: Saturn, derived from the name of the god of agriculture in Roman mythology
  • Diameter: 120,500 km
  • Year: 29.5 Earth years
  • Day: approximately 10.5 hours by land
  • Number of moons: 145 moons

Saturn, the sixth planet from the Sun, is famous for its huge and bright ring system. Although Saturn is not the only ringed planet in the solar system. When Galileo first studied Saturn in the early 1600s, he thought it was a three-part mass: a planet and two large moons on either side. He didn’t know he was seeing a ringed planet. More than 40 years later, Christian Huygens proved the existence of Saturn’s rings.

Like Jupiter, Saturn is a gas giant and the least dense planet in the solar system. This planet also has a large number of moons, according to the latest statistics, their number reaches 145. With this number of moons, Saturn is considered the king of the solar system’s moons. Enceladus is one of Saturn’s moons covered with an icy ocean, which astronomers say could be a promising target for extraterrestrial life.

Saturn’s rings are composed mostly of ice and rock, and scientists are still unsure how they formed.


Solar system

Image of Uranus captured by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory.
  • Discovery: 1781 by William Herschel (before this date people thought Uranus was a star).
  • Naming: the embodiment of heaven and the name of one of the gods in Greek mythology
  • Diameter: 51,120 km
  • Year: 84 Earth years
  • Day: 18 hours on land
  • Number of moons: 27

The planet Uranus, the seventh planet from the sun, has strange and unique features. The clouds of Uranus are composed of hydrogen sulfide, which is the same chemical that causes eggs to rot and smell bad. In the second degree, like Venus, Uranus rotates from east to west, but unlike Venus or any other planet, its equator is perpendicular to its orbit and it can be said to rotate sideways.

According to astronomers, a mass twice the size of Earth collided with Uranus about 4 billion years ago and caused Uranus’ extreme axial deviation. This deviation leads to marginal seasons with a duration of at least 20 years, so that sunlight shines on one pole of Uranus for 84 years.

It seems that the said collision transferred some of the rock and ice of Uranus into its orbit and these rocks and ice later formed the moons of Uranus. Methane in the atmosphere of Uranus is the main reason for its blue-green color. Uranus has 13 sets of rings.

The planet Uranus also holds the record for the coldest temperature recorded in the solar system, minus 224.2 degrees Celsius. The average temperature of Uranus reaches minus 195 degrees Celsius.

The planet Neptune

Solar system

Neptune is the planet with the fastest winds in the solar system.

  • Discovery: 1846
  • Naming: Neptune, derived from the name of the god of water and sea in Roman mythology
  • Diameter: 49,530 km
  • Year: 165 Earth years
  • Day: 19 hours on land
  • Number of moons: 14

Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun. The average temperature of Neptune in the upper part of the clouds reaches minus 210 degrees Celsius. This planet is about the same size as Uranus and is known for its strong supersonic winds.

Neptune was the first planet to be discovered using mathematics. German astronomer Johann Galle used mathematical calculations to find Neptune with a telescope.

Neptune is about 17 times heavier than Earth and has a rocky core. The main composition of Neptune is water, methane, and ammonia, which surround this rocky core. The speed of Neptune’s winds reaches 2000 km/h. This planet also has 14 moons.

asteroid belt

The asteroid belt is located between Mars and Jupiter. According to NASA estimates, there are between 1.1 and 1.9 million asteroids in the main asteroid belt that are larger than one kilometer in diameter. The dwarf planet Ceres with a diameter of approximately 950 km is located in this part of the solar system. Several asteroids have orbits that occasionally collide with Earth and other inner planets.

Kuiper belt

Astronomers have long suspected the existence of a band of icy material known as the Kuiper Belt, which lies beyond the orbit of Neptune at a distance of 30 to 55 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun. Since the 20th century, more than a thousand crimes have been discovered in this belt. According to scientists’ estimates, the Kuiper Belt probably hosts hundreds of thousands of icy bodies larger than 100 km, as well as almost a trillion comets.

Pluto, which today belongs to the group of dwarf planets, is located in the Kuiper belt. Of course, Pluto is not the only one, and Makimaki, Haumea, Eris, and Quavar are among the other known non-Neptunian objects from the group of dwarf planets. Aracut (Altima Tully) is also a binary asteroid located in the Kuiper Belt that was visited by the New Horizons probe in 2019.


Solar system

A panoramic view of the dwarf planet Pluto
  • Discovered: 1930 by Clyde Tamba
  • Naming: Pluto or Pluton derived from the name of the god of the underworld in Roman mythology
  • Diameter: 2301 km
  • Year: 248 Earth years
  • Day: 6.4 Earth days
  • Number of moons: 5

The dwarf planet Pluto was once considered the ninth planet, but since 2006 it has been classified as a dwarf planet. The reason for this problem was the non-compliance with the existing criteria in the definition of the planet. According to the definition of the International Astronomical Union, a planet is a celestial body that firstly orbits the Sun, secondly has enough gravity to become a spherical or almost spherical body, and thirdly clears the vicinity of its orbit. be Pluto did not fit the third criterion of logic and therefore was removed from the group of planets.

Pluto has a highly elliptical orbit so it sometimes even interferes with Neptune’s orbit. On the other hand, Pluto’s orbit is not in the same plane as other planets, but it revolves around the Sun at an angle of 17.1 degrees above or below them.

Because of this strange orbit, Pluto was considered the eighth planet from the Sun from 1979 to early 1999, but on February 11, 1999, when it crossed the path of Neptune, it again became the most distant planet in the Solar System, until it was officially removed from the Sun in 2006. The group of planets is out.

Smaller than Earth’s moon, Pluto is a cold, rocky world with a thin atmosphere. On July 14, 2015, the New Horizons probe performed several low-altitude flybys around Pluto, presenting a new view of the dwarf planet to the scientific world that defied many expectations.

Pluto is actually a very active ice world, covered in glaciers, ice mountains, icebergs, and possibly even glaciers that spew ice made of water, methane, or ammonia.

The ninth planet

Solar system

According to estimates, the hypothetical ninth planet has approximately 10 times the mass of Earth.

In 2016, researchers raised the possibility of the ninth planet . This object, also known as Planet X, is estimated to have 10 times the mass of Earth and orbits the star of our system at a distance between 300 and 1,000 times the distance between Earth and the Sun. In fact, this planet’s year may last between 10,000 and 20,000 Earth years. Scientists have not been able to observe the ninth planet so far and have guessed its existence based on its gravitational effects on other objects in the Kuiper belt.

According to some hypotheses, the hypothetical ninth planet could be a primordial black hole that formed shortly after the Big Bang and was trapped by the solar system. Unlike black holes that result from the collapse of massive stars, primordial black holes were formed by gravitational perturbations less than a second after the Big Bang and may be very small (as little as five centimeters in diameter), making them difficult to detect.

Astronomers have not yet reached a clear conclusion regarding the ninth planet. Based on a 2022 survey by the ACT telescope in Chile, there are thousands of candidate sources for the planet, but none have yet been confirmed.

Edge of the solar system

The heliosphere surrounds the solar system like a bubble and its boundary is called the heliopass.

By passing through the Kuiper belt, we reach the edge of the solar system or the Heliopass. The heliosphere is a vast, tear-shaped region of space with a large amount of charged particles received from the sun. According to many astronomers, the boundary of the heliosphere, which is called the heliopass, is approximately 15 billion kilometers from the sun.

The Oort cloud is located after the Kuiper belt at a distance of 2,000 to 2,500 AU from the Sun, and the distance of its outer edge from the Sun is estimated to be between 10,000 and 100,000 AU. As mentioned in the previous sections, one astronomical unit is approximately equal to 150 million kilometers. The Everett Cloud is home to billions or perhaps trillions of particles.

The largest planets in the solar system

Solar system

Jupiter compared to other planets

Jupiter is by far the largest planet in the solar system, so if you add the mass of all the planets in the solar system together, Jupiter will still be two and a half times more. Compared to Earth, Jupiter is 318 times the size of Earth. The radius of this planet reaches 69,911 km or one-tenth of the sun. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. Saturn has 95 times the mass of Earth; however, it is the least dense planet in the solar system, so that it can float on water.

Discoveries and travels of the solar system

According to NASA, more than 254 probes have left Earth’s orbit so far. A large part of these spacecrafts and probes were dedicated to the exploration of the solar system.

Parker probe is the only spacecraft that managed to reach the closest distance to the Sun and will break this record in the coming years. The probe will release information about the solar radiation, surface, corona, and solar wind.

Famous probes such as NASA’s MESSENGER, Mariner 10, and Beppy Columbo have visited Mercury and revealed valuable information such as the discovery of water ice and the thin atmosphere of Mercury.

In general, 46 probes have visited Venus so far, the most successful of which are the Venus Express, Mariner 10, and Magellan missions. These probes released information about the atmosphere of Venus and its possible volcanic activity.

There are many satellites in the earth’s orbit whose task is to check weather and atmospheric conditions. Also, the International Space Station is the largest man-made structure in space, and astronauts are engaged in research work there.

In the last 60 years, six lunar landers have landed on the surface of the moon, the first of which was the Apollo 11 mission. Also, in recent years, orbiters were placed in the orbit of the moon, whose most important achievement was finding water ice around the poles of the moon. Space agencies aim to land on the surface of the Moon again in the coming years and use the Earth’s moon as a research base.

Solar system

Apollo 11, the first human landing on another world.

Mars is the most explored planet in the solar system, which has been assigned more than 50 exploration missions. The most famous Mars missions include the Curiosity rover, Perseverance, and the MRO orbiter. Each of the Mars rovers and probes is investigating a certain area and so far they have published important and valuable data such as the discovery of water ice, polar ice cover, and methane on Mars. In the not-too-distant future, human explorations will be added to this collection.

Among the outer planets of the solar system, Jupiter and Saturn are two of the most explored examples. So far, eight spacecraft have been sent specifically to visit Jupiter, and two other probes have performed low-altitude flybys of the planet. The Juno probe is still in Jupiter’s orbit and has provided valuable information about Jupiter’s atmosphere and its important moons.

Solar system

Voyager 2, is the first and so far the only probe to visit the planets Uranus and Neptune.

Cassini is the most famous probe that visited Saturn, and in addition to recording beautiful images of Saturn and sending information about its atmospheric conditions and rings, it investigated two important moons of Saturn, Titan and Enceladus. Two of Cassini’s most important discoveries in visiting these moons were the discovery of methane lakes on Titan and glaciers and ice oceans on Enceladus.

The two famous probes Voyager 1 and 2 successfully visited the outer planets of the outer solar system, including Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Voyager 2 is the only probe that visited Uranus and Neptune up close.

New Horizons is the only probe to visit the dwarf planet Pluto, sending back important information about surface conditions, moons, and other Kuiper Belt objects.

In addition to the probes that visited the planets of the solar system, a series of missions were dedicated to the study of objects in the asteroid belt. Also, the Hubble and James Webb telescopes have sent important images and data from the solar system.


The solar system is a collection of planets, moons, asteroids, and comets around the sun. The planets of the solar system are divided into two groups: rocky and gaseous planets. Earth is a rocky planet and the only planet known to host life in the entire universe. So far, many probes have been sent to different planets of the solar system. Meanwhile, Mars is considered the most explored and familiar planet of the solar system, which mankind has made the most efforts to investigate. Today, humans are carrying out missions and building new probes to investigate the potential of life on the planets and moons of the solar system, and in this way, they will get help from ground and space telescopes.


What is an exoplanet? Everything you need to know




Planets outside the solar system are called exoplanets. So far, more than 5000 exoplanets have been definitively discovered.

What is an exoplanet? Everything you need to know

For years, extrasolar planets have occupied the minds of scientists and dreamers. Since the discovery of the first stars in the night sky, man has been searching for the worlds that revolve around these stars. Are exoplanets rocky bodies similar to Earth? Can they have liquid water flow on their surface? Does the existence of essential elements for life in other worlds mean that we are not alone in this infinite world?

For thousands of years, humans have been trying to answer this question: Are we alone? Until the 1990s, astronomers had no evidence of exoplanets; But finally, in 1992, the first exoplanet was discovered. Since then, more than 5,000 exoplanets have been discovered in different types and categories and have amazed scientists more than ever

Table of Contents
  • What is an exoplanet?
  • Types of extrasolar planets
  • Stone worlds
  • Gas giants
  • Introduction of extrasolar planets
  • TOI-1452b, a blue world candidate
  • WASP-39b, the first planet with a carbon dioxide atmosphere
  • WASP 103b, the rugby ball planet
  • 51 Pegasi b; The first planet around a Sun-like star
  • PSR B1620-26b; The oldest known planet
  • Gliese 876d; rocky planet
  • Kepler-11f; gas dwarf
  • Kepler-452b; Earth-like planet
  • Search for life in extrasolar planets
  • Interesting facts about exoplanets
  • Detecting the color of an exoplanet for the first time in 2013
  • There are 10 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way
  • NASA’s Kepler space telescope has discovered the most exoplanets
  • The possibility of exoplanets around stars with high metallicity
  • Using the gravitational microlensing method to observe exoplanets
  • Most exoplanets were discovered through radial velocity
  • The transit method is the easiest way to find exoplanets
  • Exoplanets can orbit more than one star
  • Exoplanets can have harsh climates
  • Some exoplanets have strange orbits
  • Exoplanets can have unique atmospheres
  • Conclusion

What is an exoplanet?

Exoplanet k128bIllustration of the exoplanet k12-18b, which is a super-Earth.

An exoplanet is a world outside the solar system in a different star system. Over the past two decades, thousands of exoplanets have been discovered, and most of these discoveries belong to NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope.

Exoplanets have different sizes and orbits. Some of them are giant worlds near the host star and others are icy and rocky worlds. NASA and other space agencies are always on the lookout for a specific type of exoplanet: an Earth-like planet in the habitable belt of a Sun-like star.

The habitable zone is the region of a star’s orbit where the planet’s temperature allows surface liquid water to flow. The first definition of the life belt was based on the concept of heat balance, however, based on current calculations, it also includes other criteria such as the greenhouse effect of the planet’s atmosphere. For this reason, determining the boundaries of the life belt has become a little vague.

The Kepler Space Telescope, an observatory that started its operation in 2009 and continued to operate until 2018, has the honor of discovering the largest number of exoplanets. The telescope has definitively discovered 2,342 exoplanets and provided indications of the existence of another 2,245 planets.

Types of extrasolar planets

Our solar system is home to eight planets, divided into two groups: rocky planets and gas giants. The four inner planets of the solar system, namely Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are rocky. At the same time, the four outer planets of the solar system, namely Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are classified as gas giants. Most of the planets that were discovered in the orbit of other stars are either rocky or gas giants. However, gas and rock giants can be divided into groups and subgroups.

Stone worlds

Planet Kepler 22b
An artist’s rendering of Kepler 22b, a distant, possibly super-Earth planet

The rocky planets themselves are divided into two categories: small rocky planets and so-called super-Earth planets. Small rocky planets are the type of planets that are also found in the solar system. Although the rocky planets in the solar system differ from each other, they all fall into one category.

However, exoplanets do not exist in the solar system, yet they are one of the most common planets in the Milky Way. These planets, as their name suggests, are a kind of rocky planet larger than Earth. According to a more precise definition, the rocky exoplanets are at least twice the size of Earth.

The mass of super-Earths can reach up to ten times the mass of the Earth. Scientists still do not know at what point the planets lose their rocky surface and become gas planets. However, in the range of 3 to 10 times the mass of Earth, there may be super-Earths with different compositions, such as blue worlds, snowball worlds, or even planets like Neptune that are made of very dense gas. As a result, heavy super-Earths that have turned into gas giants can be classified as sub-Neptunian or mini-Neptunian planets.

Gas giants

Hot JupiterArtist’s rendering of hot Jupiter orbiting its star

Gas giants are divided into three categories: gas giants, ice giants, and hot Jupiters. Simple gas giants are called worlds like Jupiter and Saturn. These heavy worlds are usually located in orbit far from their star, have dense atmospheres mostly composed of hydrogen and helium, and do not have a solid surface.

On the other hand, planets like Uranus and Neptune are called ice giants. Although the predominant composition of all gas giants is hydrogen and helium, ice giants are a type of gas giant with ice concentrations in their atmosphere. For example, both the planets Uranus and Neptune have large amounts of chemicals such as methane, ammonia, and water. Ice giants are usually located in the outer reaches of their star system; Where ice is found in high concentrations.

Gas giants and ice giants can be seen in the solar system. However, the third type, hot Jupiter, does not exist in our solar system. A hot Jupiter is a gas giant that is in a very close orbit from its parent star. This orbit can be even closer to the Sun than the orbit of Mercury; Therefore, hot Jupiter planets usually have hellish temperatures in their atmospheres, hence the nickname hot Jupiters.Introduction of extrasolar planets

Although exoplanets are classified in the group of rocky planets such as super-Earths or gas and ice giants and hot Jupiters, some planets violate the existing classifications and the number of these types of planets is increasing day by day. In this section, we introduce some of the most interesting exoplanets that have been discovered so far.

TOI-1452b, a blue world candidate

Planet TOI 452bIllustration of TOI 1452b, a super-Earth planet.

The planet TOI-1452b is located in the orbit of a red dwarf star at a distance of 100 light-years from Earth. Researchers discovered this planet through the blocking of starlight and its fluctuations.

Based on the obtained information, the planet TOI-1452b is almost 70% larger than the Earth and therefore it is included in the group of super-Earth planets. The planet also orbits its star once every 11 days. The density of this planet indicates that it has a liquid ocean surface as well as rocky and metallic compositions like planet Earth. Surprisingly, water makes up 30% of TOI-1452b’s mass. While water on earth is only 1% of its mass.

WASP-39b, the first planet with a carbon dioxide atmosphere

Planet wasp39bAn artist’s rendering of the exoplanet WASP 39b

The James Webb Telescope’s Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRSpec), closely observing the exoplanet WASP-39b, found clear evidence of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere. This is the first time that this familiar gas has been discovered on Earth in a planet outside the solar system. The spectrum of 3 to 5.5 microns, which is the infrared ratio of the transmission spectrum, is useful not only for detecting carbon dioxide but also for water and methane, which are all indicators of life.

WASP 39b, with a temperature of 870°C, is a hot Jupiter-type planet about 700 light-years from Earth. The mass of this planet is equal to a quarter of the mass of the planet Jupiter, but its diameter is 1.3 times larger than Jupiter. The planet also orbits a Sun-like star at such a high speed that it completes its orbit in just four days.

WASP 103b, the rugby ball planet

Planet wasp103bA rendering of the planet wasp103b that resembles a rugby ball.

WASP-103b, shaped like a rugby ball, is the first non-spherical exoplanet ever discovered. This planet, which completes its orbit around its star in less than a day, has strong gravitational forces that have turned it into a rugby ball.

The Cheops telescope of the European Space Agency discovered this strange planet in the constellation of Hercules. The planet WASP 103b, twice the size of Jupiter, is very close to its star.

51 Pegasi b; The first planet around a Sun-like star

Planet 51pegasibIllustration of the exoplanet Pegasi B 51

Although 51 Pegasi b is not the first exoplanet discovered, it can be considered the first example discovered around a Sun-like star. In addition, this planet has no resemblance to the planets we know. This huge world completes its star orbit in just a few days.

In 2015, the atmosphere of 51 Pegasi b was studied in the visible spectrum. As a result, researchers were able to find out the real mass or orbital orientation of this planet through its light.

PSR B1620-26b; The oldest known planet

Ancient planet psrb16bPSR B1620 is the oldest known exoplanet.

The name PSR B1620-26b may not be as easy to pronounce as many exoplanets. However, this planet, with an approximate age of 12.7 billion years, is the oldest planet ever discovered. This planet is only slightly younger than the age of the entire universe. This ancient planet orbits a pulsar as well as a superdense white dwarf at the same time. These two stars revolve around each other and the gas giant planet also revolves around their gravitational axis.

Gliese 876d; rocky planet

Planet Gliese 876dIllustration of the rocky planet Gliese 876d

The planet Gliese 876d is only 15 light-years away from Earth, and due to its small size, it belongs to the group of rocky planets. Of course, this planet is slightly bigger than our Earth. By all accounts, Gliese 876d is a hell of a world. This planet is very hot, yet since its discovery in 2005, it has been considered important evidence for the existence of rocky worlds outside the solar system.

Kepler-11f; gas dwarf

kepler11f planetSome planets like Kepler 11f are mini-Neptunes.

There is a problem with the classification of smaller exoplanets; So far, we have observed several planets in space that are larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune; But we don’t have such a group in the solar system. For this reason, it is difficult to guess that rocky planets like Mars and Earth can grow to what extent? Or exactly in what dimensions do they become gas giants like Uranus and Neptune?

Kepler 11f is a mini-Neptune planet. The density of this planet shows that it has an atmosphere similar to Saturn and a small rocky core. This planet led to the creation of a new category called gas dwarf, which does not exist in our solar system.

Kepler-452b; Earth-like planet

Planet Kepler452bThe Kepler 452b planet can be considered the most Earth-like planet.

Kepler 452-b can be considered the most Earth-like planet ever discovered. The star of this planet is the same size as the sun and its year is slightly longer than the Earth’s year. Of course, this planet is slightly larger than Earth, but it is definitely located in the life belt of its star.

However, there are a few problems with Kepler 452b: First, the planet is more than 1,000 light-years away from Earth, so we’ll never reach it. It is also 1.5 billion years older than Earth, so it can be said that its host star has grown so much that it has made the planet uninhabitable. So maybe it was Earth’s twin many years ago.

Search for life in extrasolar planets

One of the biggest questions of mankind is whether there is life outside the earth. The James Webb Space Telescope, launched in 2021, has found evidence of the essential ingredients for extraterrestrial life: a mixture of gases in the atmospheres of Earth-like exoplanets. This telescope was able to discover atmospheric signs similar to Earth, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and methane, which are strong indicators of possible life.

Probably, future telescopes will be able to detect the signs of photosynthesis, which is the conversion of sunlight into chemical energy necessary for plants. Or maybe they can detect gases and molecules from animal life. Also, extraterrestrial intelligent life probably creates atmospheric pollution that can be detected from a distance.

Life on an extrasolar planetIn the area of ​​the life belt, it is possible for liquid water to flow on the surface of the planet.

So far, more than 5,000 exoplanets have been discovered, but their total number can reach trillions. One of the best tools for scientists to increase the accuracy of searches is the area known as the life belt. As we said in the previous section, the life belt is a distance from the orbit of a star whose temperature is suitable for the flow of surface liquid water.

Many other conditions are necessary for the formation of life on exoplanets: first of all, the size of the planet and the right atmosphere are important. Also, the host star must be stable and not emit deadly flares. Lifebelt is just one way to narrow down searches. So far, many Earth-like planets have been discovered, however, more advanced tools are needed to increase the accuracy of searches.

Interesting facts about exoplanets

In the era of innovation, we are getting closer to the outside world every day. Searching for extrasolar planets has been one of the latest human space adventures. In this section, we discuss interesting facts and points about these mysterious objects.

Detecting the color of an exoplanet for the first time in 2013

The study and discovery of extrasolar planets began in the ’90s, But it was in 2013 that researchers were able to identify the color of an exoplanet for the first time. Based on a measure called reflectivity, astronomers obtained a dark blue color for the planet HD 189733b. It was from this point that the colors of other exoplanets were obtained. For example, the color of the planet GJ 504b is purple. According to astronomers, helium planets are mostly white or gray.

There are 10 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way

According to estimates, the number of Earth-like planets in the Milky Way alone reaches ten billion. Kepler 22b was discovered in 2011 as the first exoplanet in the habitable belt. When the news of this discovery spread, people immediately fantasized about life on such a planet. However, the distance of 587 light years from Earth means that we have to spend thousands of years to reach this exoplanet. This planet is currently under investigation.

Earth-like planetThere are 10 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way

NASA’s Kepler space telescope has discovered the most exoplanets

NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope, which was launched for the first time in 2009, was dedicated to the search for exoplanets. Initially, the Kepler mission was supposed to last only 3.5 years, however, this spacecraft continued its investigations until 2018. This telescope definitively discovered more than 2,600 exoplanets.

The possibility of exoplanets around stars with high metallicity

Most of the physical materials in the world are composed of hydrogen and helium. Metallicity is the term astronomers use to describe elements other than helium and hydrogen. According to data collected by the Kepler telescope, stars with more diverse elements are more likely to host exoplanets in their orbits.

Using the gravitational microlensing method to observe exoplanets

In the gravitational microlensing method, a star other than the exoplanet host is used. When a star passes in front of another star, its gravity acts like a lens that magnifies the light of the other star. If the lensed star has a planet in its orbit, the exoplanet’s mass increases the magnification effect. Astronomers used this method to search for more than 20 exoplanets.

Most exoplanets were discovered through radial velocity

The general rule for identifying exoplanets is to observe the motion of their star. This method, which is also called Doppler oscillation, has been the most successful method for discovering exoplanets, so far 400 planets have been discovered this way. The radial velocity of the star changes due to the gravitational pull from the planet around it. In this case, the star seems to be sliding.

The transit method is the easiest way to find exoplanets

The transit method, which from our point of view is the burning of a star, is one of the common methods for discovering exoplanets. Using this method, astronomers can estimate the orbits and mass of exoplanets from Earth through their flickering frequency.

Exoplanets can orbit more than one star

Unlike the Solar System, where planets orbit a single star, some planetary systems can have more than one star. These double or triple systems provide unique contexts with multiple radiation sources.

Exoplanets can have harsh climates

Some exoplanets show strange weather phenomena. Hot Jupiters, for example, can reach scorching temperatures and violent storms.

Some exoplanets have strange orbits

Not all exoplanets follow an elliptical or circular pattern of orbital motion. Some planets have eccentric, elongated orbits, taking an adventurous journey around the axis of their star. Exoplanets can have unique atmospheres

By analyzing the light passing through the atmosphere of exoplanets, scientists can gain interesting insights about the composition of these planets. The atmosphere of some extrasolar planets has elements such as iron vapor, carbon dioxide, and even methane.


An exoplanet is a planet outside the solar system that is classified into different groups and types. The first group are rocky planets similar to Earth or larger than Earth, which are also called super-Earths. Super-Earths can eventually become gas planets known as mini-Neptunes. The next group is the gas planets, which are divided into gas giants, ice giants, and hot Jupiters.

So far, more than 5000 exoplanets have been discovered and confirmed, and this number is increasing day by day. According to estimates, there are only 10 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way. Earth-like planets are usually located in the life belts of their stars. In the zone of the life belt, the temperature of the planet is so suitable that it is possible for surface liquid water to flow on it, and this feature can increase the potential for life. Researchers hope to get more data from exoplanets by building more advanced telescopes because understanding exoplanets will help us to better understand our planet and the world around us.

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Seven surprising discoveries about the planet Mercury




Only two robotic missions made it to Mercury, but those missions were crucial in disproving many false hypotheses about this hot world.

Seven surprising discoveries about the planet Mercury

Mercury, which is very close to the Sun, seems to be a dead planet. Scientists used to think that it was just a lump of rock close to the Sun and a hostile world: the day and night side of the planet witnessed a temperature difference of nearly 600 degrees Celsius.

But now it has been proven that Mercury is a world of contradictions and a dynamic planet that hides unexpected surprises. A thin atmosphere, a magnetic field, and a reservoir of volatile compounds still exist on this planet, and scientists often associate these features with planets that are larger and farther from the Sun.

“We expected Mercury to be a hot, baked object,” says Deborah Domingo, a senior scientist at the Institute for Planetary Sciences. He says the observations of the last few decades have changed the scientists’ belief about this planet. Evidence shows that Mercury is not just a dry mass of rock. One of the wonders of this planet is that it still has bubbles of ice.

So far, only two missions have reached Mercury. The third mission is Bepi Colombo (a joint mission of the European Space Agency and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), which is on its way and will reach its destination in late 2025.

While the few ground-based observations and space missions have not yielded much knowledge, they have helped clear up many early misunderstandings about Mercury’s mysteries. In the following, we mention some of the most amazing discoveries that have been made about Mercury.

Mercury has a metallic core

The core of Mercury

Mercury may be small, but it is heavy. Although the diameter of Mercury is not much larger than the diameter of the Moon, its mass is more than four times that of the Moon. After Earth, Mercury is the densest planet in the solar system. The planet’s high density comes from the fact that it has a large iron core that makes up about 60% of the planet’s mass. In contrast, the Earth’s core contains only about 15% of the planet by volume.

Read more: Why there is no gaseous moon in the solar system?

Scientists have proposed various theories about the unusual internal structure of Mercury. They believe that the outer layer of early Mercury may have been evaporated by the Sun or scattered by the solar wind. Another theory says that perhaps due to the impact of a large object on Mercury, most of its softer outer layers were destroyed and its harder core remained. Since some of the mantle and crust still remain, the collision may have occurred in some way that preserved some of Mercury’s original layers.

Turbulence inside Mercury creates a magnetic field

Mercury's magnetic fieldSmall magnetic field signals from the surface of Mercury are evidence of a global magnetic field in its early history that is still present.

The first mission to Mercury, Mariner 10, was carried out in 1973 and showed that the planet has a magnetic field. This discovery came as a surprise to the scientific community, who had assumed that such a small planet would quickly cool and harden and lack a magnetic field. The presence of the magnetosphere indicates that part of Mercury’s core is still churning.

Mercury’s magnetic field is almost 100 times weaker than Earth’s magnetic field. The weak magnetic activity means that the planet is at the end of its evolution to become a dead planet like Mars.

In the 2010s, the second Mercury mission showed that the planet’s magnetic field was unbalanced. The magnetic south pole is not located on the geographic south pole but is buried about a fifth of the way inside the planet.

Antonio Genova, an aerospace engineer who studies geodesy and geophysics at Rome’s Sapienza University, says the magnetic field offers insights into the planet’s interior and its history, showing how its internal rotation has slowed over billions of years.

Mercury has a thin atmosphere

The trail of MercuryThe bright trail of Mercury

Mercury has a thin atmosphere that cannot be considered a real atmosphere. Instead, scientists call this thin layer of gas the exosphere, where the gas is so thin that nothing like atmospheric pressure can be measured.

Astronomers in the 1980s detected atomic sodium, potassium, and calcium in Mercury’s exosphere, metals with strong emission signals visible from Earth with telescopes. These metallic elements are not usually considered as gases, but they make their way into the planet’s sky as a result of the impact of solar particles and meteorites on the surface of the planet.

Solar winds penetrate the resulting exosphere, and the interaction between gases and particles ejected from the Sun creates a 24 million km long glowing trail behind Mercury. The trail seasonally shortens and lengthens depending on the proximity of Mercury to the Sun. If you stand on Mercury and look up at the right time of year, Mercury’s long trail will appear as an orange glow in the sky.

There is ice at the poles of Mercury

Pole of MercuryMercury seems to have ice at its poles that is protected from solar radiation.

A planet so close to the Sun shouldn’t have water or ice, or so researchers thought. But in the 1990s, scientists at Goldstone in California and the Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico directed a stream of radar signals toward Mercury. They were amazed to see two bright reflective spots at the poles, which were probably ice deposits.

In 2012, the MESSENGER spacecraft confirmed that the ice in the north pole of Mercury is frozen water. Surface laser measurements identified carbon-rich material on the surface that insulates the underlying ice.

Mercury has been able to retain its water because ice-containing bubbles lie beneath its permanent shadows. This planet rotates completely vertically in relation to its orbit around the sun; This means that impact craters near the poles have interiors that never see the light of day. The temperature inside these gaps is minus 170 degrees Celsius, which is close to the temperature at which nitrogen gas liquefies. “It’s cold enough there for the ice to be stable over geological timescales,” says Sean Solomon, a former planetary scientist at Columbia University and principal investigator of the MESSENGER mission.

Like many other rocky planets, the water on Mercury probably came from asteroids that landed on land. This water is hidden inside the craters of Mercury, which has not changed since the early times.

On other terrestrial planets in the solar system, geological processes such as climate circulation have spread the ejected water across the planet. Mercury’s poles are probably the best source if scientists want to sample intact ancient ice in the solar system, Solomon says.

Mercury contains various volatile substances

Volatile elements of MercuryMercury’s crust is rich in relatively volatile elements such as potassium and sulfur.

Mercury again challenged scientists’ expectations when the MESSENGER spacecraft detected volatiles in the burning world of Mercury. Volatile substances are chemicals that can change state between solid and gas phases in a short temperature change.

Mercury has already been proven to contain water, but the MESSENGER mission identified other elements such as sulfur, potassium, and chlorine that evaporate easily at relatively high temperatures. These volatile substances are spread all over the surface of the planet.

Due to its size, Mercury has higher amounts of volatiles than other Earth-like planets in the solar system, which are farther from the Sun and therefore much colder. Where the volatiles come from and how Mercury has preserved them is still a matter of debate among scientists.

Some researchers think the volatiles came from beneath the surface in recent history, while others think chemicals from Mercury’s embryonic days remained on its surface.

The presence of volatiles on Mercury raises questions. For example, if the planets that are close to their stars have volatile materials, especially water, could these regions be habitable? According to Domingo, Mercury shows that planets close to the Sun should not be ignored.

Mercury has irregular depressions on its surface. Mariner 10 first revealed them in 1975. Messenger then recorded high-resolution images of these areas. The depressions range from a few meters to more than 1.6 kilometers in width, and their depth reaches 36 meters.

Scientists believe that the holes may have been created by the escape of volatile substances. Since an atmosphereless Mercury has no wind or rain to batter the Earth, surface features such as craters can form as a result of other processes, such as the leakage of volatiles from land into space.

Craters are relatively young formations, averaging about 100,000 years old compared to the four-billion-year-old impact craters on Mercury. Scientists think the holes are still forming. These holes have only been seen on Mercury. It seems that other objects in the solar system do not have such effects.

In recent years, scientists have also identified other structures on Mercury: irregular ridges that cover a large portion of its surface. Some researchers believe that these uneven terrains are caused by the turbulent flow of fugitives from the depths of the planet. Other scientists think the bumps were caused by the impact of an asteroid.

Mercury was once volcanically active

The surface of MercuryIn this composite image taken by the MESSENGER spacecraft of the surface of Mercury, two large impact craters (top and left of the image) appear to have filled in and formed flat plains.

Mercury’s topography provides clues that volcanoes once spewed lava onto the planet’s surface. The MESSENGER spacecraft clearly showed the bright plains scattered across the surface of Mercury. Lava accumulated on older craters and ridges flattened to form plains. Researchers think that an active volcano on Mercury became dormant between 1 billion and 3.5 billion years ago as the planet cooled and contracted, blocking magma escape routes.

Mercury also shows signs of explosive volcanic activity. Irregular pits several kilometers long and more than three kilometers deep point to ancient pyroclastic volcanoes that have destroyed themselves. Around the pits, there are sediments that, according to researchers, were released as a result of volcanic explosions. These types of volcanic explosions are probably caused by volatile substances underground. When these buried chemicals come to the surface, their volume increases. Finally, the increase in gas pressure causes the volcano to explode.

BPI Colombo scientists hope to learn more about where the volatiles on Mercury come from. Mapping volatiles on the planet’s surface provides clues about how they got there. The origin of volatile substances is one of the main topics of space exploration.

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Why there is no gaseous moon in solar system?




Why there is no gas moon?
Why there is no gaseous moon in solar system? In the solar system, we have rocky moons, oceanic moons and icy moons, what is the reason for the absence of gaseous moons in our system?

Why there is no gaseous moon in solar system?

In the solar system, we have rocky moons (such as Earth’s moon ), oceanic moons (such as Europa and Enceladus ), and frozen icy moons (such as Triton), but there are no gaseous moons. Is it because of bad luck that we don’t have gas moons or is there a physical reason for their absence?

Indeed, gaseous moons exist! Although they are not in the solar system. Although more than 5,500 extrasolar planets have been discovered so far, only two possible extrasolar moons have been identified and the existence of none of them has been definitively confirmed yet. The strange thing about these two exosolar moons is that they are gas giants orbiting larger gas giants. Of course, as we shall see, they are the exceptions that prove the rule.

To understand why gas moons do not exist, at least in the solar system, it is better to learn how gas giant planets form.

Kepler's exoplanet moonArtist’s impression of Kepler 1625b-i, the possible moon of the exoplanet Kepler 1625b and the star of the system.

There are two scenarios for the formation of a gas giant planet: the bottom-up scenario and the top-down scenario.

The formation of gaseous worlds according to the bottom-up scenario

The bottom-up, or “core accretion” scenario, explains how the gas giant planets of the Solar System formed.

If we could go back 4.5 billion years, we would see a young Sun surrounded by a disk of gas and dust. All planets are formed from this protoplanetary disk. They first formed as rocky bodies and grew larger by collecting dust, pebbles, and surrounding asteroids. Some of them only grew to the size of Mars or Venus, but others continued to grow and became giant rocky bodies with about 10 times the mass of Earth.

When planets grow to such large sizes, their gravity is strong enough to pull huge amounts of gas from the protoplanetary disk. How much gas they stole and how big they grew depended on their gravity and the amount of gas available. But in the end, our solar system was left with four gas-giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, and the ice giants Uranus and Neptune.

NASA’s Juno mission to Jupiter has detected gravity from a large, rocky, yet diffuse core about ten times the mass of Earth at the center of Jupiter, helping to find evidence for the core accretion model.

The formation of the planets of the solar systemThe planets of the solar system were formed during the bottom-up process or core accretion in the protoplanetary disk.

In the bottom-up model, gaseous worlds, just like stars, form directly from the disintegrating mass of gas in the nebula. However, there is a minimum amount of mass that can produce this process.

When a large mass of gas contracts under its own gravity, it heats up because the gas is compressed into a smaller and therefore denser volume. But when the gas is hot, it tends to expand, so to maintain the contraction, the mass of gas must remove excess heat. As a result, we often see the collapse of gas clouds that glow as thermal infrared energy.

The radiation of enough heat so that the gas can cool and still decay depends on the dust’s opacity, temperature, and density, and the process becomes more inefficient in smaller objects; So, at a mass about three times that of Jupiter, it cannot generate enough heat to continue disintegrating. The smaller the volume, the cloudier and denser the dust becomes, and the process of radiating the excess heat due to gravitational contraction becomes increasingly inefficient. Therefore, an object smaller than three times the mass of Jupiter cannot form during the top-down process.

Why does the solar system not have a gaseous moon?

Most of the moons of our solar system, like their parent planets, were formed by the process of core accretion from the bottom up in disks of residual material that surrounded their parent planets. Since the planets had already collected most of the available material, there was not enough material left to form a moon with enough mass to have enough gravity to hold a large amount of gas. In fact, only one moon in the solar system even has an atmosphere, and that is Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. Similarly, the top-down process could not occur because there was not enough gas left.

Saturn's moon TitanTitan, Saturn’s moon, is the only moon in the solar system that has an atmosphere.

Strange moons

According to the explanations given, in the solar system, gaseous moons cannot be formed through the two conventional processes of producing gaseous universes. However, there are wonders in our cosmic neighborhood that are formed in a different way.

In the case of Earth, the Moon is likely formed from material blasted from Earth following a massive collision with a Mars-sized protoplanet. These remnants formed a ring that created the moon’s core through accretion. But could the impact of a gas giant planet eject enough gas to form a gas moon?

Unfortunately no. Rocky planets can experience such collisions, but remember when Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hit Jupiter in 1994 and disappeared, Jesse Christiansen of the California Institute of Technology told Gas giants devour everything. Anything that hits a gas giant just becomes part of the gas giant instead of throwing debris into space.

Another strange case is the trapped moons. For example, the moons of Mars, Phobos, and Deimos, are trapped by the red planet’s gravity. Saturn’s outermost moon Phoebe is a captured comet mass, and Neptune’s moon Triton is a Kuiper Belt mass that was trapped by Neptune’s gravity millions of years ago. They did not form around the planet, but formed on their own in space and then drifted until they were finally trapped by a planet’s gravity.

Now, the question arises, can a smaller gas planet be captured by a larger gas planet? After all, gaseous worlds can reach up to 12 times the size of Jupiter, so in principle, they could trap a gaseous world the size of Neptune.

Gaseous extrasolar moons

It seems possible for smaller gaseous bodies to be captured by larger gaseous planets. “It’s possible that there are (gas) moons around the size of Neptune around giant exoplanets,” Christiansen said.

The two possible exomoons mentioned at the beginning of the article (Kepler 1625b-i and 1708b-i) are both gas giants in their own right but appear to be originally moons of larger gas giants. “Both of these are candidates,” Christiansen says. “We see something in the data that is consistent with the moon, but other phenomena could also explain it.”

Assuming that Kepler 1625b-i is a real moon, it has a mass 19 times that of Earth (about 6% of the mass of Jupiter), is similar in mass to Neptune, and accompanies a gas planet with a mass 30 times the mass of Earth and a diameter equal to half that of Jupiter. Kepler 1708b-i is probably less massive than Kepler 1625b-i, has a diameter about five times that of Earth (about half the diameter of Kepler 1625b-i), and orbits a gas planet 4.6 times the size of Jupiter.

Kepler's exoplanet moonArtist’s impression of an exomoon orbiting the exoplanet Kepler 1708b.

“They challenge a lot of theories,” says Christiansen. “It’s hard to find a way for moons to form, so they must be trapped.” Being trapped makes them virtually like captured moons in the solar system. Like planets, they form from accretion cores in the disk and are then captured as they migrate towards their star.

Migration appears to be a common process in young planetary systems. Migration is the astronomers’ explanation for objects known as “hot Jupiters,” which are gas giants very close to their star but may have originally formed further away.

The extrasolar moons Kepler 1625b-i and Kepler 1708b-i were captured by larger planets as they migrated in front of them. However, they are probably not true moons, but rather examples of binary planets rather than extrasolar moons.

A binary planet exists when both worlds orbit the center of mass between them, rather than one orbiting the other. In our solar system, we have a double planet in the form of Pluto and its largest companion, Charon.

So, gas moons exist somehow, but nature has to cheat to make them!

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